The OPA! Way & Meaningology. Part 1.

How is the Greek word “OPA!” relevant to our daily quest for meaning? How can we look to Greek philosophy and culture as a challenge and inspiration as well work towards daily meaning practice?

In part one of this 2 part Series Dr. Alex Pattakos speaks about his research and books. Alex is a gifted speaker who works closely with his wife and other meaning focused theorists such as Dr. Paul Wong. Alex was also blessed to be mentored by Dr. Viktor Frankl.

The OPA! Way: Finding Joy & Meaning in Everyday Life & Work, by Alex Pattakos & Elaine Dundon.
Prisoners of Our Thoughts: Viktor Frankl’s Principles for Discovering Meaning in Life and Work (3rd edition), by Alex Pattakos & Elaine Dundon.

Sojourn Psychology believes in the wealth of knowledge, and the powerful contributions people like Dr. Alexandros Pattakos are making to encourage our world.