My Life Is Out Of Control: Part One!
One of the most common things I hear right now is: “I’m so exhausted”.
Do normal, daily events feel overwhelming for you these days? This little series will help to make sense of this.
Today let’s start to understand why we get overwhelmed by unmanageable events, and the negative behavior spiral.
This month many people are talking a lot about fear, anxiety, being overwhelmed, exhaustion, anger and loss (to name a few).
My Life Is Out Of Control: Part Two.
How are you doing with coping? Better yet, how do you know if you are coping?
We talk a lot about stress and different tips, resources, or strategies. Today let’s consider how to evaluate and motivate ourselves with those things that are working for us.
How to Evaluate Crisis & What To Do: My Life Is Out Of Control Part 3.
If we are paying attention to our body we can feel our stress reaction in crisis situations. But how can we better understand the root of the crisis?
This is the third installment of the: My Life Is Out Of Control Series.
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