View of Self & Others

Three part series:

This is part one of a three part series on how we can move from our negative view of self to a positive view of self and others. In this video Tara Boothby, Registered Psychologist and Author of “Love And Love’s Energy,” discusses what trauma is, what abuse is, and how these experiences impact our ability to see ourselves as positive or negative. This is going to be a great little series.

This is part two in our view of self and others series with Tara Boothby, Registered Psychologist and Author. In this video, Tara explains the difference between shaming, blaming, and laming and goes on to give the solution to avoid falling into these communication errors.

We see a lot of information about shame these days. It seems to be a bit of a trend. And, although shame is a very real psychological phenomenon, it is also important that we bring guilt and humiliation into this conversation. Your story is your story, and finding the most explicit language to help you make sense of and communicate your inner working model increases healing for your life.

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